Friday, April 23, 2010

Knock it off up there...

I thought I had a good idea when I made this video:

As soon as I uploaded it to Youtube, I discovered it had already been done, by a million other people! It was such a let down for the creative side of my brain - which I believe is the right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere is dedicated to logic and reasoning. This is what it probably looks like up there:

There is a lot more empty pizza boxes on the left side of my brain, and a lot more Rolexes on the logic side. When I made that satirical video of the Tempur-pedic commercial, my creative side was like, "Oh yeah. We rock! Suck on these ingenious and witty balls, logic side!" And my logic side was like, "Whatever." and then boarded their yachts and took puffs from their wooden pipes.

Then I discovered that I was not the first to think of this. And I can only imagine that the logic side enjoyed that, and were probably like, "Well now, would you look at that. You know plagiarism is a serious crime. Oh, and suck on these logistic and analytical balls." And my creative side, sadly was like, "Whatever." and then ordered some more pizza and took puffs from their bongs. (There is too much smoking going on in my brain)

And that is how you get headaches.

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