Monday, February 15, 2010

Hexagons: Eat your hearts out pentagons.

So first off, I just want to let you know about a simply incredible thing that just happened. I wanted to learn how to take a screen-shot on a Mac computer. So I go onto Google, and type in the phrase "how to take", fully prepared to proceed further specifying what it was I was curious about taking. But the magical powers of Google stopped me there, as the nifty little drop box came up - the one that shows you search options of what it is you may be looking for based on popular searches - and BAM! First result, I kid you not: "how to take a screenshot on a mac". Out of all the things one could be interested in taking:

1. A date to a dance.
2. Drugs.
3. The subway.
4. Me out to a ballgame.
5. Care of business.

So in honor of this incredibly convenient display of efficiency, and quite fittingly as well, I took a screen-shot of it:

I also noticed a lot of people are taking apart their X Box 360s. I feel like the system will work better when it is in one piece?

Moving on, I just noticed that all my first exams are this week. So I appropriately marked my calendar ahead of time in preparation:

As you can see I am completely available the last week of February. Wink face.

Current events: I decided that I love everyone today. No one is exempt from this. Feel that? That's me loving you.

I didn't write any new stories, however, I did make some drawings using MS Paint and a touch-pad mouse. Enjoy:

Have a whimsical Monday.

P.S. Does anyone read this?


  1. rich and compelling. do you have a book i can buy of all of your ramblings?

  2. Yeah, its called the 'internet'. Get with the times gramps.

  3. Just when I was starting to think you were sane...
