Wednesday, March 3, 2010


David was feeling brave today, so he turned off his Google Safe Search. He glanced at the 'moderate' setting, then thought to himself, "Pfft. Don't even waste my time." David then saved his settings, and made his first search of the day: Farm animals. His life would never be the same from that moment on.

I lost my flashdrive today, which means I lost all of my MS Paint drawings. Which means you have no pictures to look at. Just words. I can make emoticons, which are are kind of like pictures made of words, but those are gay. Enjoy your raw words. I also lost all my pictures of the cute animals.

I don't like the phrase "I have to pee like a racehorse", so I made this one: I have to pee like ' L, M, N, O'. When you think about it, it kind of makes sense, but then you think about it some more, and realize that it doesn't.

Stanley is a fat persons name.

I'm not a business man, but I do occasionally walk around in a suit, with a buddy who is also wearing a suit, and talk about a meeting we just went to and I say things like, "Can you believe that guy?" and pretend that I am important.

A lot of blogs are about shoes and clothes and the such. So I decided I would have a fashion section on my blog -
Fashion Tip of the Week: Clothes. Wear them.

I decided I need to put a picture in this post, so I did some Google searching, and found this:

Looks good. And oh yeah, there is a sequel:

That is deliciously offensive.

Current Events: I am right behind you...

Sorry, I do realize that this post was a bit ferocious and unnecessary (I think those adjectives describe it perfectly well), but I just finished off a grande hot chocolate.

Is that even a real excuse?


P.S. Anyone want to go see Avatar with me?


  1. You have a delicious sense of humour that I am seriously in love with (yes, I wanna eat it up)! I really enjoy reading your blog, and the pictures are the like the cherry on top.
    Hopefully you'll find your flashdrive.

  2. Travel Addict - I'm glad you enjoy it! Please don't eat all my humor though, as I need it to write and also I heard it is very high in trans fat and will go right to your hips.

    Jillian - Indeed.

  3. "Clothes. Wear them." Haha!
    ...Or not...and we can be one big nudist colony of a world.

  4. Snafugirl - I was thinking my next fashion tip would be "If you got it, flaunt it." Perhaps I should change it to, "If you got it, walk around naked 24/7."
