Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A website that will like you more than you like it

My friends and I have just launched a new website just for you!

Here's the link: LINK!!!

It makes the internet a little bit friendlier, one compliment at a time.

I hope you enjoy it. And just wait for!

P.S. Someone made a Facebook fan page for it: Become a fan


  1. Can you make one that would psych me up for really important meetings and such?

    Is it sad that this site could possibly be my new best friend?

  2. How does "You can seal any deal." or "Your confidence is bolder than this font." (In a bold font, of course.) sound? Just brainstorming. I'm currently programming a box where people can submit their own compliments to be featured on the site. And no it isn't sad; I gave my computer a hug and a kiss on what I would assume to be its forehead - right above the screen.

  3. i love what's going on above me, and i love dj buttaskotch and his hilariousness.

  4. that's pretty cool. did you make it with javascript? i'm taking a programming class, so naturally, I am now interested in that sort of thing.

  5. Jill - Thanks! And I love your jacket!

    Maureen - I'm sure you know more than I do then, as I once took a beginners programming course a long time ago, and this stuff is rough! The majority of the site is standard html, but I did use Javascript to generate the random compliments. I just added a submit your own compliment button which used a .php; now that stuff is complicated. Good luck in your course, and glad you like the site!
