Monday, March 1, 2010

Top 10 Cutest Animals on the Internet

With commentary!

They are in no particular order. You probably will recognize a few, because honestly who hasn't typed 'cute animals' into Google at one point.

Is he clapping or trying to swat a fly that's buzzing around his face? Who cares, he's adorable.


These are hard to give captions to because all I want to say is 'awwwwwwwww.'


This one may be my favorite. And I am sure the one on the right was like, "Hey, you got something on your chest." And then flicked his nose when he looked down. Classic.


I love fawns and I love squirrels. I couldn't decide on my favorite pictures of them separately, so I chose one with a fawn talking to a squirrel.


Does the song make this? Perhaps, until you notice that his backpack is a penguin! Awesome to the max!


I had to.


Those eyes sold it. Honorable mention for cub goes to:

I was iffy about this one, until I saw the toilet paper roll.


If only this was on my kitchen table every morning...


I drew an otter for one of my other posts. Someday the world will love them the way I do.

I have all of these pictures saved on a flashdrive. I plan on having it buried with me when I die.

Also, be careful when searching for 'cute chick' on Google. Especially if you have safe search turned off...

P.S. If you have some cute animal pictures you would like to share, email them to me at


  1. AWWWWWW! This was such a sweet post! TOTALLY made my day. My brother used to send me cute animal pictures like this when he was alive so now I find myself smiling and bawling like a little girl over your blog-really glad that I found it today.

    Juliana-A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Except sorry for the bawling part. I hope all is well. My friend and I found so many adorable pictures, it was really hard to just choose 10.

  3. Ninja bears, Um telling ya man, theyre taking over the internet with their cuteness!
